.:::::: Maestro Concert Grand ::::::.

This is a conversion to Kontakt of the Giga piano Mats Helgesson released in 2003. The samples are from a "Yamaha CF-3 grand piano from the early 90s. It was recorded with a pair of Neumann KM84 microphones in X/y stereo. x/y provides excellent mono compatibility. The samples are sorted in 5 velocity layers, of which velocity 0-30 are piano, 30-59 are mezzo piano, 60-89 are mezzo forte, 90-108 are forte and 109-127 fortissimo."
The original set had patches for the note sounds (Sustain), key release sounds (Releases) and a few additional noises (Effects). This Kontakt instruments combine all three into one. The 'effects' are mapped to C-1 to F-1. The notes and release noises are A-1 to C7 and a volume knob controls the gain for the releases. At 0dB is the original volume, while the default ot -3.5dB is what I think sounds natural. The 'release' control can be set to max for the sustain pedal down effect, and the default of 288ms I think sounds close to a pedal up sound. I'd be happy to tweak if you guys don't think it sounds natural. Lastly, there were two patches for the piano labeled A and B with different velocity curves and both are represented here as well (Maestro Concert Grand A.nki + Maestro Concert Grand B.nki).
Soni Musicae is hosting the original Giga set and can be downloaded here: http://sonimusicae.free.fr/matshelgesson-maestro-en.html.